Sunday, July 23, 2006

On the road tomorrow

I'm leaving tomorrow for a few days in NC and then some time in Virginia. I'm hoping to be able to post for most of the time that I'm gone. I'm visiting my cousin in Virginia. We grew up together and have remained close over the years. He is the closest blood relative that I have. It will be good to catch up on things. He and his wife live on a beautiful point of land overlooking Mobjack Bay which feeds into the Chesapeake. Unfortunately, he has an illness that is life threatening. We are all hoping for a positive outcome. I'm sure that the time spent together will be bitter sweet but valuable for both of us.

Clondike continues to do better on the lasix; however, he hasn't been wanting to eat as much as usual which is troubling. It may also relate to one of the girls being in season which is always a disruptor. We've been getting calls about puppies but won't be doing a breeding until fall. I'm glad to finally not have any puppies except for the two girls that we are running on.

Hope that everyone has a good week!

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