Saturday, October 06, 2007

Judging Weims

Well, I traveled to Georgia on Friday to meet up with the AKC Field Rep. so that I could take an oral exam on Weimaraners. I had submitted my application to judge them about 2 months ago. I met with Mary Dukes today, discussed the history of the breed, the salient points of the breed as well as problems that occur. Mary is a good AKC rep and is sharp. It's like having a conversation with someone who knows dogs. All went well with the history and the judging interview.

Next, I had to do the wicket test. Mary used her Italian greyhound Steven as the test dog who we pretended was to be wicketed for being undersized. I then went through the procedure for wicketing and did indeed find that Steven was below the 24 inch minimum for a male Weim. No surprise there!

I was pleased that the interview went well and that once published in the Gazette, I'll be able to accept assignments as a provisional judge of Weims.

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